Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blog Post 9

In Mr. Clung's blog post "What I've Learned This Year" I really enjoyed all the useful knowledge he discussed about the important characteristics that a teacher must have to be successful. It is extremely helpful to have a first time teacher discuss everything that they have learned in their first year and things that they realized were more important than others. I definitely agree with him when he says that teachers must be able to communicate well with others, be flexible and reasonable in their expectations, and be able to listen. I think that the most important of these is the listening one. If you are able to listen to your students and figure out what they need and how they learn and their likes and dislikes you should have a wonderful year because after all you are there for them. I really enjoyed all the insight he gave in this post, as it will be very useful in the future!


  1. I really enjoyed reading Mr. Clung's blog post also. I agree with you, that it was great to get a point of view of a first time teacher. I really liked seeing how he experienced his first year teaching. Also, alot of his points were great. It really showed me what I have to do to be a good teacher. Like be resonsible, and it is about the students not the teacher.

  2. Listen, yes. And as one of your classmates added - Hear them as well.

    Did you get an assignment this week to comment on Mr. McClung's blog? If not, check it out anyway! Mr. McClung's World
