Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blog Post 13

ALEX logoFor this blog post we were supposed to browse and explore the resources available to us on websites such as ALEX and ACCESS.  I really enjoyed doing this because these were sites that I knew existed but had never really taken the time to explore.  ALEX is a website that makes many resources available to the teachers in Alabama.  It was all of the state requirements and courses of study for education for all age groups and it also has an abundant supply of sample lesson plans.  This is great because it allows teachers to share their ideas with other teachers throughout the state.  ALEX also has a Professional Learning tab in which teachers can go and see what continuing education classes are being offered throughout the state and it also has links to where teachers can find new tips and tricks about the latest technology.  I would think that most teachers find this site very resourceful in their planning and I know that I will one day too! 
ACCESS is a site that I was a little less familiar with than ALEX.  The ACCESS site is a site geared more for students to use as a way of obtaining an equally challenging education no matter what the situation is.  The site says that their goal is to offer equal access to high quality instruction to improve student achievement through distance learning opportunities.  I think that this is a great site for students because it helps to bring opportunites for education to all different parts of the state.
I am really glad to see that the state is trying to provide multiple resources to our students and teachers to better the overall education of this state.  I hope that they continue to strive to do so more and more as time goes on.

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